Thursday, May 27, 2021

Garden to Table

Room 11 Students working in the school garden. Students learning about growing healthy Silverbeet/ Kōrare. Lately our gardens have been effected by Caterpillars and Pukeko's. Each student was to find the best looking silverbeet leaves to go towards the Free Kai Box. 

Room 11 are looking forward to gardening with Mrs. Meyers as the school prepares for our Matariki Hangi in Week 8. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Room 11, we are from St Francis of Assisi School in Christchurch. We are Year 4 students in the Paiaka Hub. We are really looking forward to getting to know you and commenting on your blogs. We are interested in your Hangi - we hope it cooks well! Hopefully the caterpillars and Pukeko's stay out of your garden. Can you describe the different types of food you were cooking?
    Look forward to hearing from you, Paiaka Hub.
